Yorkshire Gas And Power

General Information & FAQs

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What is the Advanced Energy Cost on my bill and how is this calculated?

YGP bill customers monthly and in advance using an advanced cost estimate. This advanced cost estimate is calculated based on your estimated annual energy consumption and contract prices agreed to by you on your contract with YGP.

Can someone come out to read my meter?

We rely on our customers to provide meter readings regularly; we aim to communicate with your smart meter where possible. Half hourly customers will have their data generated and sent to us via the data collector each month.

Why is my bill to an estimated read?

Where an actual read is submitted, this is reflected in your bills.  Otherwise, an estimate will be used.  If you see an estimated read on your bill, please contact us to provide your latest read. 

Where your meter is half-hourly, estimated consumption is normally indicative of an issue with the communication link between your meter and the data collector, which will be resolved as soon as possible.

Can I pay quarterly?

YGP are currently only able to offer a monthly billing service.

Why is there a charge for not paying by DD?

If your contract was agreed with a Direct Debit discount and we cannot collect via Direct Debit, charges are incurred. However, it may be possible to switch your contract to a non-Direct Debit payment method.  Please contact our customer services team to discuss your options.

Why is my bill to an estimated read?

Where an actual read is submitted, this is reflected in your bills.  Otherwise, an estimate will be used.  If you see an estimated read on your bill, please contact us to provide your latest read. 

Where your meter is half-hourly, estimated consumption is normally indicative of an issue with the communication link between your meter and the data collector, which will be resolved as soon as possible.

How long will it take to complete a change of tenancy?

Once YGP receive all relevant documents supporting your change of tenancy request, the change of tenancy will be processed as soon as possible. You can download the change of tenancy form in our moving premises section or submit your documents here.

When/how do I send reads?

You can provide meter reads via the website, telephone or by email to contact@ygp.co.uk. Meter reads can be submitted at any point in the month, the meter read will be reflected in your next bill.

Do you have a portal where I can access my bills?

You can now manage you account online by registering to use our self-service customer portal.

Find out more here. 

I want of know more about smart meters, the benefits and how to get one?

In common with all energy suppliers Yorkshire Gas & Power are rolling out smart meters to our customers across the UK, as the Government requires every home and business to benefit from Smart meters by 2022.

For more information, click here.

How do I read my meter?

For full information on how to take readings from your smart meter, click here.

Why have you objected to me moving to a new supplier?

Objections normally occur for the following reasons:

  1. You are in contract and/or
  2. There are arrears on the account.


Please contact our customer services team to discuss.

How much notice do I need to give for termination?

Termination notice requirements differ depending on your business classification and can vary from time to time.  Please refer to the YGP terms and conditions to obtain the correct information for your contract.

How do I know if I am a micro business or non-micro business?

This is determined by our regulator Ofgem.  As this information varies from time to time, please refer to www.ofgem.gov.uk for the latest information.

When will my payment be taken?

Your payment due date will be stated on your bill.  Our standard payment terms are 10 days from the bill date.

What is ‘CCL’?

The Climate Change Levy is a tax on UK business energy use, charged at the time of supply. The final recipient of supplies of electricity generated from certain renewable sources and combined heat and power (CHP) can obtain a tax exemption for generation before 1 August 2015.

I am VAT exempt, why am I being charged full VAT?

Our VAT exemption certificate can be downloaded on our Customer Forms section, please submit a completed form to contact@ygp.co.uk with a meter reading.

How do I know if I have been billed to an actual or estimated reading?

On the bill, the meter reading will show “A” for actual and ‘E’ for estimated next to your read.  Please refer to our bill navigation tool for further assistance, which can be accessed here.

I want to reduce my energy usage, how can I do this?

There are plenty of ways that your business can save energy and lots of resources available online to help you understand what could work for your business.

For more information, click here.

Invoice Navigation

Please hover over the numbers for information

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10

Moving Premises?

Have you leased your property or sold your property?


Please submit a lease agreement with a completed change of tenancy form

View Form
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Please submit a completion statement from your solicitor with a completed change of tenancy form

View Form
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

* We cannot process a change of tenancy without the required completed change of tenancy form and the required supporting evidence.


Deemed and default rates and tariffs

Our current deemed and default rates and tariffs, charged per supply point, are detailed below.

These are charged in accordance with our deemed terms and conditions, a copy of which can be downloaded using the link above.

For historical deemed and default rates and tariffs, please refer to your invoice.


Effective From Dates
Deemed Rates 01/12/2022 – 09/05/2023 10/05/2023 – 07/12/2023 08/12/2023
Electricity non-half hourly unit rate pence p/kWh 107.00 60.00 40.00
Electricity non-half hourly standing charge p/day 196.00 196.00 196.00
Electricity half hourly unit rate p/kWh 107.00 60.00 40.00
Electricity half hourly standing charge p/day 196.00 1300.00 1300.00
Electricity half hourly capacity p/kva/day 24.66 13.90 13.90
Gas unit rate p/kWh 25.99 17.50 15.28
Gas standing charge p/day 499.00 259.00 240.23
Default Rates
Electricity non-half hourly unit rate p/kWh 107.00 60.00 40.00
Electricity non-half hourly standing charge p/day 196.00 196.00 196.00
Elecricity half hourly unit rate p/kWh 107.00 60.00 40.00
Electricity half hourly standing charge p/day 196.00 1300.00 1300.00
Electricity half hourly  capacity p/kva/day 24.66 13.90 13.90
Gas unit rate p/kWh 25.99 17.50 15.28
Gas standing charge  p/day 499.00 259.00 240.23