How do I switch to YGP?

If you have a business and are planning on moving to a new energy provider, such as Yorkshire Gas and Power, then you need to know how do I switch to YGP? While the differences between business and domestic energy are relatively minor, the online sign-up process is very quick and simple. First, we need […]
Can your business benefit from an energy audit?

As energy costs rise, it’s important that businesses understand their energy consumption. So can your business benefit from an energy audit? An energy audit can help you identify areas where you can improve efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint. Aside from being able to identify potential savings, an energy audit can also help improve the […]
Five ways to save over Bank Holiday

One of the most challenging factors in running a business is managing operational costs. If you close down for the weekend or for a few days longer for Bank Holiday, Christmas or Easter, it’s important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself from unexpected expenses. Here are five ways YGP can help your […]
Five ways to save energy at work

Businesses are watching costs more than ever, so here are five ways to save energy at work. Making changes to the way you operate can lead the way to big savings. It’s important to be aware of where and when you’re using energy. This allows you to identify where you can save in the long term. At YGP we would always recommend looking […]
Five energy saving tips for your business

Businesses are keeping a closer eye than ever on their energy costs. Making small changes to the way you operate can sometimes mean big savings. It’s important to be aware of where and when you’re using energy. This allows you to identify where you can save in the long term. To help, we always recommend […]